Nothing can hurt your future credit worthiness like a bankruptcy filing. You could miss an entire year's worth of monthly credit card payments and you still wouldn't do half of the damage of a bankruptcy filing. Due to the seriousness of this action, you should seek out an alternative to filing bankruptcy until you find one that suits you. Here are some places to start.
First, why are you thinking of filing? If it is because of unmanageable debt, you can speak with a debt and credit counselor about how to get your finances back under control. The main alternative to filing bankruptcy is to keep your finances under control and these people can give you the roadmap to success.
Another place to find alternatives to filing bankruptcy is the Internet. As you have found this piece of information, there are thousands more that come from banks and lawyers who want to show you these alternatives. Take the time to find out what these places can offer you in terms of a plan to avoid filing for bankruptcy. Finding an alternative to filing bankruptcy is as easy or as hard as you make it.
If you choose to go it alone, it will be very difficult. If you are smart, you will enlist the help of professionals who know how this system works and can get you back on track without the need to take the ultimate penalty.
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